Ned is busy again with some fantastic cat acts. Not sure what has gotteninto him but he keeps cranking out more acts for his show.
Yeet another cat act by Ned for the "Mighty K"
Real and Model Circuses from all over and the fun people I have met working and modeling Circus!
My son Teo now he is 11 WOW how the kid has grown, here he is 8.
Unloaded and watering waiting to walk to the grounds.
Back center of jacket, I used just over 2000 stones on this jacket and it looks empty to me. I think it was a size 56 if I remember right.
The City Fire deptment has arrived to sandbag and punp water
Sandbag fillers, shortly after the guys arrived a load of sand was dumped at the end of our street and they started filling bags.
More of the backyard and the hail as the water is slowly going away.