Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dave Lorbeske from Milwaukee WI.

All of these pictures are from Dave Lorbeske. Dave is making two complete trains, one for each daughter. His models are beautiful as you can see, I am sure the girls will love them. I have been emailing with Dave for a while now and was going to meet him at Trainfest but with me having to go early we missed each other. Ned and Bob had a nice talk with him on Sunday morning and now he is joining CMB again. Great Job Ned and Bob getting him to join again, I hope we dont have any broken legs over this one!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Train Fest 2008

This was My and Teo's first trip to Train Fest and hope to make every year going forward. We had a wonderful time even thou we had to leave early to make it back so Teo could get ready for state school testing on Monday morning. We spent lots of time chatting with old friends and catching up! This is the first time I realised that all of us that grew up around CWM now have kids about the same age as when we started playing around at CWM.

Bob Russell had his quarter inch train on display, WOW what a wonderful collection.

This has to be one of the most beautiful quarter inch models of America that I have ever checked out. This one belongs to Bob Russell, a true work of art!!

Ned Kronbergs RBBB setup and his street parade in the background.

Train Fest 2008

Steve Flints half inch train.

Steve has some very beautiful wagons, detail is wonderful.

Another of Steve Flints wagons! He said he never gets to see his stuff unless he is displaying at a show. The Wife should let you take over the living room to have your toys out at all times! I understand I am taking my life into my hands but I am sure I was told by Steve he would pay me to put it on the BLOG!

You know for a guy that puts some much time and detail on his models you would think the engine would run! Big disappointment but I think we can live thru it!

Teo always finds the Lego group, he is in training to help out at shows. I do have a problem finding him when the girls come around?!?!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Some Wonderful Fun Pictures!

David from CWM always making sure he looks the part. Here he is getting ready to do the musical instruments demo.

This is a pretty good shot of Keri Olson, she was the first rate pub dept. at CWM for many years. Keri is now working for the hospital in fund raising and doing very well.

New Spec Wagons!

This one was also fun to build, 3 units the first is a jeep with the letters C I and a clown then a wagon R C and a zebra and trainer then a wagon with U S a seal and trainer. should be fun in the show when I use it. I am trying to make enough acts and spec stuff to switch them in and out when we display. I will make an attempt to catch Ned on his recent building frenzy but think it will take a while!

New Band Wagon Finished!

I have been working on this one for a while and am now happy. I do think I will still be adding to it when I put it on the display.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ned is always taking out his tape!

Ned was checking to see if the wagon he built from memory is right. How did you do Ned?

I have known Ned for over 25 years now I think he has had the same tape for all that time. Ned just got back from the National CMB convention in Texas and turned around and left for a whirlwind trip to Baraboo a couple days later.

CWM is working on wagons again! Need everything ready for the Great Circus Parade next summer!

Wagon 82 being worked on, looks like pretty big project.

More of #82 "anyone have the instructions???"

Some of the wheels after they have been repaired now waiting for paint.

Putting away the Museum train cars, this one is being slid into the center of the car shops.

Here she is entering the shops for the winter.

Crack Reporter Ned is back from the National and sent these pictures!

Ed O'Neils cookhouse from New Jersey.

Goodchilds cookhouse, I think they had a lot to eat!?

Don Kovels truck show.

Sparkling Star Models display, looks and sounds like lots of great stuff coming out soon.

Jim Stegall's layout.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Camera had to try it out, what else would you use it on?

One of Neal Rabe's beautiful wagons on display at the show.

Another one of Neal's wagons.

Kids enjoying Gene's display at the show. Don Johnson and Rick Hibbard watching the kids!

Don Johnson's display at the show, many sizes of Sells Floto.

Neal's display at the show.

Ned Kronbergs HO scale Great Circus train on display at his house.

Some of Ned's street parade and over 50 new acts he has been building.

This is one of the coolest things I have seen in a long time. Damon Swanson built this using what looks like a watchman and also used a little canvas and people. Love this and how real it looks, the picture does not due it justice (this is in HO). Really great idea and very well presented by Damon.

Bill Klamerus from Iowa came up for the Fall ring show, very fine building and lots of fun stories.

The inside of Gene Arlandsons big top, always lots going on with Gene's display. A big Thank You to Gene for setting up the show again this year!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

New Wire Act for the C&R

New wire act all brass, first attempt at working with brass! From the ground to the platform is 30 feet the length from platform to platform is about 25 feet.

Going to have to paint it and see how it works. The railings may be a little low but I am happy with it and as Ned has always said it's my show. Maybe I could have one of the first midget wire acts!

Ned is making more acts!!!

Neds new pig and clown act!

Brown Bears sitting pretty!

Always a wonderful act if elephants are included!

This should get your seal of approval! LOL I am just trying to be like JP with some humor, maybe I will try something else.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Liebling Elephant and the Mystry Show

Very nice elephant act with Franciszka Liebling and his family!

Some wonderful tricks that I have not watched in a long time. Very fast moving and very entertaining. You could tell that Franciszka is having a great time!!!

When was the last time you watched this?

She finishes up with getting a little treat and with a little comedy she wont leave until she picks up the bucket and walks out! I have to say this act is really nice, reminds me of the days at CWM with Buckels.